Monday, September 1, 2008

What Are Psychic Powers

The Truth Behind Psychic Powers Explained.

In this article we are going to discuss psychic powers, and how ANYONE can cultivate the wild and woolly skills needed to access them! If you are anything like me, you are probably FASCINATED by the paranormal, and are literally dying to figure out whether there is any truth behind any of the amazing claims being made by those who claim to have them. Well, I'm going to shine a BRIGHT light on the REAL truth behind what psychic powers are ( and are NOT) as well as what YOU need to do to activate your own! Read on..:-)

Ok...I want to know! What are Psychic Powers for Real?

Very simple! Psychic powers are simply latent talents that exist in ALL human beings in one form or another, that allow us to access information, and states of consciousness that exist "outside" of our brains. Any information that can be gleaned from a mechanism that is NOT explainable by conventional communication can be said to psychical in nature.

Interesting....what kinds of skills are you talking about?

Easy! Remote viewing, ( seeing at a distance) ESP, clairvoyance, out of body experiences, distant healing, mediumship, and just about ANY of the avalanche of well proven phenomena that science simply CAN'T explain with a conventional view of our brains being the source (and limit) of our consciousness.

Hmmm.....How Can I Tap Into These Skills?

Practice! Just like art, basketball or riding a bike..:-) What works best for me is meditation and brain entrainment audio software, which creates BLISSFUL states of altered consciousness and AMAZING adventures into the magic (and the MYSTERIES) that lie JUST outside your minds eye..;-)

Who Else Wants to Experience Radical Inner Peace & Magnificent Well Being?

Read discover how to develop psychic POWERS blissful meditation and SO much more.......quickly, easily and magically even if you are a complete novice and have no idea what you are doing!

Psychic Secrets Magazine Everything You NEED to Know About Psychic Phenomena All in ONE Place!

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