Monday, September 1, 2008

Choosing The Right Psychic For You

You can definitely approach a psychic anytime you need help; whether it is concerning love, relationship, career, life questions and so on. Psychics do have different specialties and you have to make sure that you are choosing the right psychic for you in order to obtain the guidance that you really need.

Those who are claiming that they are 100 percent accurate and that they can be everyone to all definitely have no ethics and professionalism. Always remember that a professional psychic would let you know what she can do and what she cannot. If she is aware that she cannot help you in the area of your concern, she would be honest about it and may even recommend someone who has the expertise to do what you just need.

Nowadays, we can find a lot of psychic sites online. Most of them may have been doing effective marketing strategies but that isn't a guarantee that all the psychics there are genuine. If sound advice is what you want, it is quite important to make sure that you are choosing a real psychic. Psychics may use different tools and they may have different styles but what's more important is what they come up with. Is it real or is it not? Always remember, there will always be good vs. bad psychics. There will also be real vs. fake psychics.

Below are some of the things that you should consider when looking for a psychic online and even offline:

Know their reputation

Although psychic sites have testimonials and ratings, they are not enough to determine if the psychic is real or not. If you can have the chance to check on their reputation, that would help you a lot. Satisfied clients would always want to recommend good psychics and if these psychics are good, they would certainly be recommended.

Evaluate their profiles

Real psychics love to help people. They are not the type who would insist that you do this or you do that. They respect freewill and all they do is guide you in working out your journey in life. If a psychic claims that she was able to tame people through her psychic abilities, you might want to consider someone else. A real psychic would not take the glory for herself and would always recognize that she is just a tool. Humility is in the persona of a good psychic.

The characteristics of a fake or bad psychic

• She will tell you that she can solve all your problems.

Honestly speaking, no psychic can solve all your problems. Each psychic has her own abilities and expertise. What one has may not be present in others.

• She will over charge or ask for additional pay above what has been agreed upon.

This has got nothing to do about extra services that she may be offering but it will be something that you are not aware of which she claims she did. At the end of the reading, she might say I just did this for you or I spent more time for you; therefore you need to pay more.

• She will tell you that you need regular reading sessions with her.

There is nothing wrong if you yourself decide that you want to keep on coming back to a certain psychic. However, a real psychic would not persuade you to always come to her in order for her to earn more from you. She would not even think that she alone can help you with your concern.

• She will be your decision maker.

A good psychic is a guide but she will not be the one to decide for you. A good psychic would not make her clients depend on her all the time. Her responsibility is to tell you the possible outcome of your decisions but she should not be dictating anything to you. She will never ever control your life; in fact, she will make you realize your own potential.

• She will scare you.

A real psychic would not want to scare you about anything but rather guide you and give you insight on how to deal with your difficult situation. Her goal is to enlighten you and make you see a deeper meaning about what you are going through. Listening to her advice would make your life easier, not heavier. She has the ability to make you feel better.

• She will not shell out money from you.

Once you realize that the psychic you are dealing with loves to offer extra services that would only make you spend more, be aware. She might only want to earn more. There is nothing wrong about offering spells, rituals and other psychic services if the person really needs them. However, there are really bad psychics who would like to make a fortune out of these stuffs and you should watch out for this type.

Always remember, psychics are just guides. Your life is still in your own hands.

Hermie Martin is a consultant at, the very first online and wired source of psychic help in the Philippines. The site's goal is to provide help from the psychic's point of view to all Filipinos around the world; even to those who are from different nationalities. Get immediate answers to your life questions from anywhere you are. Go to now!

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Excellent Pschic Instructions

People often get confused when they think or make plan about some coming event .They need guidance and help in the right direction as they don't know where to go and whom to contact. They just wonder here and there hiding these questions deep in their bosom. They don't want to discuss these questions with their friends and relatives because they think they would become a laughing stock among people if they tell others about their condition, but they don't know that their friends and relatives also have similar sort of questions in their bosom and they also needy of someone guidance and help. Love life, career, finances, education and so on and on, these are the fields our questions belong to.

We want to tell someone, we want to share our sorrows, we want someone to swab our wounds and we want someone's shoulder to put our head and weep for a while. But none comes ahead to give us what we want from them as everyone has their own worries and questions.

Many people consider committing suicide because they don't feel strong enough to carry the burden of their loneliness with these questions. What if I say that psychic readings can help you out from your pathetic condition and can show you the right direction that leads you towards your destination? I know you wouldn't believe as you know well that the world is full of con artists that can't give you anything except tricks and deception. There is nothing wrong if you think so, the world is full of con artists or to be more exact every human becomes selfish or a con artist when their needs don't allow them to look at anything else. No matter how good we are but we become selfish whenever we are in need of something.

So, in this age of selfishness, it is quite difficult to find selfless service providers who prefer other's interest to their personal interests. The service providers who just don't reckon you a source of income but really want to do something for you. Believe it or not such people still exist who believe that the only purpose of their lives is to serve the suffering humanity. They live to serve others and only these are the people who are at the apex of their psychic abilities and only these people can show the right and luminous path to others. They believe in other's help and they consider helping others the biggest reward of their life.

But, these people are also human and have a lot of needs like other humans and they definitely need some money to fulfill their needs. They charge you for providing psychic services but they don't prefer your money to you. These are the people that can provide you the true accurate psychic advice.

The author writes articles on Psychic Readings For more information visit Free Psychic Reading

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The Big Questions Clients Ask Psychic Readers

Are psychics for real? In a word, yes.

Contrary to the lurid crime dramas and ghost chaser stories on TV that feature psychics, the reality is worlds away. Most psychics give advice to their clients on real-life issues. They are more like life coaches and counselors than crystal ball-gazing witches.

Most psychics don't solve crimes, locate missing children, talk to the dead, or predict the future. That's on TV. In real life, people are primarily interested in one issue: love.

How do I know so much about psychics? I married one. My wife was a successful psychic in the New Age capital of Sedona, Arizona, for many years. She is now retired from the business, but she is willing to share some of her secrets.

In a recent post on the blog Psychic Newswire, she wrote:

"During the time I was a Sedona psychic, hundreds of clients passed through my energy field.

"Using the tools of the trade, such as Tarot decks, pendulums and crystals, combined with my natural, intuitive skills and psychic gifts, I have answered all kinds of questions. Some of them you probably would not believe! And yet it is interesting how three major issues kept coming up during my sessions."

"I would tell the client to ask a question, verbally or silently. She (most clients are women) then draws a few cards from the three Tarot decks I most liked to use. These cards are guides that helped me tune in to the person and see what was coming up from my psychic sense....

As you might expect, the Love and Relationship issue is the biggie for most women. And the big question that comes out of this category is some variation of: When will I meet my soulmate?"

So once again, it's love - and the search for it - that makes the world go 'round. My wife goes on to explain how she helped her clients to find Mr. Right, how to become a "magnet for love."

The other two most popular questions asked of psychics concern money/career, and where to live to have the most fulfilling life. People sometimes come with serious life issues, such as, "My husband is cheating on me. Should I leave him?"

Questions like this cannot really be addressed in a 15-minute session, in person or on the phone. A good psychic would suggest that the client see a therapist or a competent attorney.

In late 2007 I published a novel about an alternate-universe Sedona and the psychic life - a sci-fi/fantasy novel. Click on the links below for more information.

Are you curious about psychics and the kind of life they lead? "I Married a Psychic" is a fast-paced metaphysical love story, filled with psychic phenomena, suspense, and surprising twists and turns. One reader called the book "a cosmic thriller." To learn more about the book and how to order it online, visit Author Marv Lincoln has years of experience as a writer, reporter, advertising and PR executive, and book editor. This is his first sci-fi/fantasy novel. For more information about the world of psychics, visit the blog at

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What Are Psychic Powers

The Truth Behind Psychic Powers Explained.

In this article we are going to discuss psychic powers, and how ANYONE can cultivate the wild and woolly skills needed to access them! If you are anything like me, you are probably FASCINATED by the paranormal, and are literally dying to figure out whether there is any truth behind any of the amazing claims being made by those who claim to have them. Well, I'm going to shine a BRIGHT light on the REAL truth behind what psychic powers are ( and are NOT) as well as what YOU need to do to activate your own! Read on..:-)

Ok...I want to know! What are Psychic Powers for Real?

Very simple! Psychic powers are simply latent talents that exist in ALL human beings in one form or another, that allow us to access information, and states of consciousness that exist "outside" of our brains. Any information that can be gleaned from a mechanism that is NOT explainable by conventional communication can be said to psychical in nature.

Interesting....what kinds of skills are you talking about?

Easy! Remote viewing, ( seeing at a distance) ESP, clairvoyance, out of body experiences, distant healing, mediumship, and just about ANY of the avalanche of well proven phenomena that science simply CAN'T explain with a conventional view of our brains being the source (and limit) of our consciousness.

Hmmm.....How Can I Tap Into These Skills?

Practice! Just like art, basketball or riding a bike..:-) What works best for me is meditation and brain entrainment audio software, which creates BLISSFUL states of altered consciousness and AMAZING adventures into the magic (and the MYSTERIES) that lie JUST outside your minds eye..;-)

Who Else Wants to Experience Radical Inner Peace & Magnificent Well Being?

Read discover how to develop psychic POWERS blissful meditation and SO much more.......quickly, easily and magically even if you are a complete novice and have no idea what you are doing!

Psychic Secrets Magazine Everything You NEED to Know About Psychic Phenomena All in ONE Place!

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Interview With A Psychic Meduim

In the past 5 years I have spoken with over 100 psychics, mediums and channels. I have created a website to keep track of my ... ...

I have been doing reviews of psychics and psychic mediums for quite some time now. I have interviewed and reviewed some of the most accurate and insightful psychic mediums. It's not nearly as exciting for me as it used to be, but every once in a while I still get that "sitting edge of my seat" kind of reading that blows me away and raises the bar for future psychics. My psychic medium reading with Denise Lescano was just such a reading.

Denise provided me with very specific detailed information. This information was not known to anyone but myself, and it was so detailed, that there is no doubt that these were not good guesses, and that she was connecting with the other side.

When she does her readings and the spirits are communicating with her she is shown things clairvoyantly, she senses spirits emotionally (clairsentience), and is given information telepathically. Denise is a psychic, medium, animal communicator, and medical intuitive all wrapped up in one. The details she gave were in no way good guesses.

Psychic Medium Reading with Denise Lescano
She gives a very good overview of how her readings work, and the structure that she goes by. She gives you a choice; mediumistic reading or psychic reading as a focus. She employs both her psychic abilities and her mediumistic abilities normally, but gives you the choice of which direction to go in.

She starts by asking you to be calm and to think of anyone you want to connect with. I took a few breaths, and she was off and running. She described my job in great detail, and knew details of the work that I am currently doing. She knew what my company did for the government. She knew where I lived when I was growing up and described my relationship with my father like she was reading it from a book. She knew I was in the military and that my father was as well. She knew my parents separated when I was younger and gave very specific details about my childhood relationship with my father.

As a medical intuitive, she accurately described a medical condition that I have had for the past few years. She actually gave me the medical term for it like she was reading it from a medical examination report. She is also the second medium that has told me that I am lactose intolerant. Because of this I have since had it checked out and confirmed by my doctor.

She connected with my grandmother and great grandmother and told me that my great grandmother was showing her a necklace that I was wearing. She knew what kind of metal it was and described the symbol that was engraved on it. It is not a very common symbol at all. I don't normally wear jewelry, but had just recently decided to wear it in honor of my great grandmother (the healer). I thought it was funny when Denise said "Your great grandmother just wanted to show a little something extra as proof to you." This is because I am the world's biggest skeptic, and in meditation I do ask my great grandmother for "proof" I can almost see the smile on her face as Denise described the necklace to me. I laughed out loud, because I am always asking her for proof, and here she was telling a medium from the other side about the neklace for proof!

Probably the most amazing part of the reading was when Denise described 4 dogs to me. I had two dogs, but one (Greta) died back in February. About three days after that my neighbor's dog (small white West Highland Terrier) also died. Greta and her dog were very friendly, and always played together. My sisters Golden retriever also died about a month later. I remember when the dogs had died I kept thinking what my mother always used to say "Deaths always come in three's". I also remember humouring myself and thinking that the two dogs were now crossed over together and probably hanging out together.

When I asked Denise about Greta, she said she kept seeing a small white dog, and she described my neighbors dog to a T, breed and all. At the time I didn't know what she was talking about, but later I realized she was seeing my neighbors dog which had died three days after Greta. She then described Greta very accurately and asked me if she was blind in one eye when she passed. She was. Then she went on to tell me that there was another dog besides Greta with my grandmother on the other side. She said it was a Golden Retriever which could not walk and was dragging her back legs in the end. This is all correct. My sister had to put her Golden down because she could no longer stand up and walk. She got the breed and the condition the dog was in just before she had died. Unbelievable As if that wasn't enough, she started talking about my other dog Salem (still alive). She asked me if he had a scar on his ear, and he does.

I am convinced after talking to Denise that our pets do cross over, and are waiting for us on the other side.

If you are looking for a world class psychic medium reading, I recommend Denise Lescano. Not only is she highly accurate in her readings, she is also a warm and friendly person to speak with. She is an "old soul" with much to give. I consider her advice very carefully after what she brought to my attention. She is one of the best! Visit for interviews with other top psychic mediums.

Paolo DiGregorio is a psychic medium researcher. He runs the website where he rates some of the best psychics, mediums, channels and psychic mediums. If you want a psychic reading with one of the world's best, please visit my site MediumChannel.

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